I ragazzi della pluriclasse della scuola secondaria di I° grado M.Bello-G.Pedullà del plesso di Agnana stanno lavorando su questo progetto anche in lingua Inglese con la docente Mesiti Marilena e la collaborazione del prof. Sgambelluri Alessandro.
We are working on this project using the English language but involving our students in many other subjects such as : History, Geography, Civilization, Technology and Art.
Starting from the History of different walls, we are underlining all the positive feelings that could create bridges towards a better world.

Of course, we'll share everything with all of you as soon as possible! Bye 👋
Mesiti Marilena
Great job! Congratulations!😀😙
RispondiEliminaManuela Raschellà
Braviiii! Super bravi😎
Bravissimi 😘😘😘
RispondiEliminaGood models!:-) ale