by Ilaria and Marco P. |
Giorno 9/11/2019 la nostra scuola ha organizzato un
PIT-STOP "Muri e ponti " : in occasione del
30° anniversario della caduta del Muro di Berlino.
Ogni classe ha visto dei film, documentari e letto molto a riguardo. Abbiamo riflettuto, discusso e condiviso le nostre emozioni : non vogliamo muri, ma ponti di dialogo e speranza!
Ecco i nostri slogan e le nostre riflessioni...
by Emmanuele C. |
Last 9th november our school organized an event called PIT-STOP " Walls and bridges" : on the occasion of the
30° anniversary of the Fall of Berlin wall. We watched some movies and documentaries, we also read a lot about this theme. We reflected and shared our feelings about this important event.
What are your comments ?
RispondiEliminaManuela Raschellà
I think that we are very lucky because we live in peace. We must appreciate it !
RispondiEliminaG. by 3C
Si, vero, noi dobbiamo considerarci molto fortunati perchè viviamo in un paese dove non c'è la guerra. Dovremmo apprezzarlo!
Si certo , però dovremmo secondo me anche fare qualcosa. Cioè fare del nostro meglio.
RispondiEliminaA. di 3C Siderno Pedullà
Difficile, cosa potremmo fare noi per la pace ? Siamo solo semplici studenti...
RispondiEliminaIt's difficult, what can we do for peace? We are just students...
hello my name is Tommaso M. I'm in class 3c. How are you? Today we talked about "Paradigms". I love this blog, it's so funny.
RispondiEliminaBye Bye.:)
In my opinion, we're very lucky 'cause in our country there's peace and love. But I think we can do much more to live better. ale;-)
RispondiEliminahello I am Beatrice, in my opinion it is freedom is important .
RispondiEliminaBeatrice R. 2F Locri
Hello I m Matteo P. I from Locri.In my opinion the freedom is very important.
RispondiEliminaMy opinion is that nowadays we are very very isolated because of our phone: we don't look at our real life. we must stay with our family and friends. We must live our life in full freedom!
RispondiEliminaMaria Grazia 2B Locri
The walls are dangerous because the children died for passing walls.The friends must leave because of walls.We must break the walls. The walls are misfourtune for society.
RispondiEliminaAntonio C. 2B Locri
Hello I am Greta.In my opinion the freedom is very important because
RispondiEliminaGreta L. 2F Locri
My opinion is that we are lucky because we live in peace, but many other countries are not lucky , instead of building bridges they build walls and they are very dangerous.
RispondiEliminaWe must build bridges and destroy and walls in our society.
Domiziana C.2B Locri
I don’t like the war,it’s very ugly.We are lucky because we live in peace.The liberty it’s basic and all people in the world must have it.
RispondiEliminaValentina 2B Locri
Hello I am Alessandro. In my opinion the freddom and the peace is very important.
RispondiEliminaAlessandro S. 2F Locri
Grazie amici studenti di Locri 😍 è bello scambiarci riflessioni! Noi della 3C di Siderno siamo contenti 😚😚😚
RispondiEliminaHello to the students of Locri school! Thanks 😍😙😙😙😙 by 3C students
RispondiEliminaThe berlin wall divided many people
RispondiEliminaHello I’m Anna, in my opinion we are very lucky because we live in peace without war and this is so important.
RispondiEliminaAnna F. 2F Locri
Hello I m Michela.In my opinion the peace and the freedom are very important for created a better world
RispondiEliminaMichela A.2F Locri
We destroy all the walls with the love and the kindness.
RispondiEliminaI believe that freedom is very important for everybody.
Ilaria 2B Locri
EliminaNo more wars, no more Walls, a united world.
RispondiEliminaHi students from Locri!! I like very much our comment 'cause they're right and friendly. I want to do everything for peace and freedom. As Maria Grazia, I think we must use just sometimes the phone and we must stay with guys of our age. Bye bye! ale;-)